Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Great Spring Tips

Courtesy of Victory Home Inspection

Go Native in Your Garden!

You may have been reading a lot lately about the importance of using native plants in your landscaping. What exactly are native plants? Native species means, with respect to a particular ecosystem, a species that, other than as a result of an introduction, historically occurred or currently occurs in that ecosystem. Using these native species supports local wildlife that depends on them, such as bird and butterflies. In addition, these types of plants require less watering and other maintenance.

Going native doesn't have to mean letting your yard go wild. Gradually adding natives, and reducing dependence on what the nurseries want to sell you, including invasive species, can go a long way towards helping the local ecosystems.

As you are planning updates to your landscaping this spring, why not try adding these four natives:

1. Swamp milkweed. OK, so the name doesn't sound glamorous. But the plant is essential for monarch butterfly caterpillars to eat. And certainly those monarchs are glamorous!

2. Cardinal flower. Red and gorgeous like the bird, this wildflower attracts hummingbirds. Lobelia Cardinalis, or Cardinal Flower.

3. Purple coneflowers, or echinacea. This flower is not exactly native to NJ but it does very well, and it has become a garden center staple, so it's easy to find and grow. Not only does the flower attract butterflies, the goldfinches like the seed come fall.

4. New England aster. Forget those ubiquitous 6 for $20 mums. Planting this aster will ensure the plant comes back next year, for one thing. Plus, its nectar is loved by butterflies.

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
* Check for damage to the roof
* Check fascia and trim for deterioration
* Have a contractor inspect and maintain your A/C system
* Check your water heater
* Replace all extension cords that have become brittle, worn or damaged
* Check your fire extinguishers
* Clean the kitchen exchaust hood and air filter
* Review your fire escape plan with your family
* Repair all cracked, broken or uneven driveways and walks
* Check the shutoff valve at each plumbing fixture to ensure it works
* Clean clothes dryer exhaust duct, damper and space under the dryer
* Inspect and clean dust from the covers of your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

Victory Home Inspections, LLC

786 Garwood Rd.,Moorestown, New Jersey 08057

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Native plants are the way to go! Less maintenance and good for the critters.